"Our Mission Statement clearly states that service to others is very important to the people of Holy Advent, whether it be reaching out to the needs of people in our parish, locally within our community, or world-wide.
Holy Advent is proud to have served as the site of the Clinton Food Pantry for the past several years.
As of November 2015, the Clinton Food Pantry is located at the First Congregational Church of Clinton.
Holy Advent also provides the Parish Hall for weekly AA meetings, Yoga classes, and other community groups.
Our "Food for All Garden" provides fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers for the Shoreline Soup Kitchens & Pantries.
Additional efforts to reach out are reflected in our commitment to the caregiving efforts of our Pastoral Care group, and support of Episcopal Relief & Development, as well as our now completed Refugee Resettlement program.
Periodically, financial gifts are also given to the Holy Advent Cares Fund to provide fuel and emergency assistance to parish families in need, to Episcopal Relief & Development, and to Camperships to make the summer camp experience available to our children.