"The bond and covenant of marriage was established by God in creation."
Book of Common Prayer, page 423
Christian marriage is a solemn and public covenant wherein the officiating minister joins the couple legally on behalf of the state and blesses the couple sacramentally on behalf of the Bishop and the congregation.
Both the legal requirements of the state and the canonical requirements of the Episcopal Church must be met for a wedding to take place in the Church of the Holy Advent.
Christian marriage requires that at least one of the two persons be Baptized, and it is expected that if the couple live locally they will be regular in attendance and giving to Holy Advent. Canon law requires premarital counseling with the clergy (or an alternative, by mutual arrangement), and six months’ notice is a good rule of thumb when considering a church wedding.
Canon law makes special provision for marriage in which one or both parties have been divorced. Evidence of legal divorce must be provided during premarital counseling. Consent from the Bishop to remarry in the Episcopal Church will usually be granted based on the recommendation of the priest who is counseling the couple.
Wedding dates must be coordinated with the priest and parish office, and details of the Service are planned with the officiant as set forth in the Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage in the Book of Common Prayer.
Music must be appropriate for a religious ceremony, and will involve the church organist unless alternative arrangements are made with the organist’s consent.
Flowers and decorations must be coordinated with the clergy and Altar Guild of the parish.
Flash photography is not permitted during the ceremony, but pictures may be taken using existing light, and a video camera may be used if no additional lighting is required.
Rice and confetti may not be thrown in the church or on the church grounds, but birdseed is a good alternative that will be friendly to the environment.